[[Bullet]] Alexander Dergay, general director of AterDux.
This fall, role -playing strategy should be released "Eiseenwald legends" – You can read more about her in a neighboring preview. Little project (only seven people!) the Belarusian studio AterDux The first in the post -Soviet space was stormed by Kickstarter and actually paved the way for other small studios from Russia and the CIS.
Is it possible that thanks to Kickstarter we are waiting for the Renaissance of Russian -speaking single -user games? We will examine this topic in detail in the near future. In the meantime, we ask a few questions Alexander Truga , AterDux Director General, about Eisenwald, about how it is done, and about the species for the future of Kickstarter.
Knights of the twentieth century
[Gambling.ru] Tell us about your studio. When and under what circumstances it arose? How and by whom were done "Times of discord" – The first game AterDux?
[Alexander] The company was founded in 2002 by Nikolai Armonik and Denis Lomako. At first they wanted to write a small Shareware-strategy, but then they decided to add a plot to it, and so the matter went on the chain. Having spent two years, they made “times of discord” in fact, although in some places they were helped by the guys who are working with us: Dmitry Goncharov and Victor Armonic. The game was released without any experience, independently – and, alas, it did not live up to financial expectations.
I met the guys in 2007 – the "times" were just reprinted through Alawar. When I was in Minsk, we discussed how great it would be to make the second part. After several years of conversation and drawing up plans, we set to work. "We" is me, Nikolai, Denis and Victor, the RESS (composer) and Dmitry Goncharov. He then worked as a leading animator in Wargaming And the order was tired of the tanks – so it was not difficult to lure it (laughs).
[Gambling.RU] what is in common with the "times" and "Eiseenwald"?
[Alexander] Some technologies – the creation of scenarios, for example – remained the same, but the graphic engine had to be written from scratch. The previous one was amateur and was not suitable for our needs.
In "Legends" we left the line of development of the characters. In addition, as in “Times”, there is no distortion towards “Rubilov”: the game should have a powerful plot component, for complete immersion in the medieval world.
The battle system has changed – before it was forced to simplify, and we always wanted to do something more interesting. After numerous experiments, we settled on the current model with the HECCS. The only drawback is that you constantly have to explain how it works (laughs).
We never wanted to make just a copy King’s Bounty or Disciples. Nevertheless, we are suspected of imitating the “heroes”, and recently they even accused that “legends” is a clone of “civilization”.
[Gambling.ru] even so?!
[Alexander] Yes! It drove me into a stupor for ten minutes. Then he wrote in the comments: "Our answer to Chamberlain".
Middle Ages and Vikings
[Gambling.Ru] We made out the Beta “Eisenwald” by the bones, but it is too early to judge the results: after all, one scenario is very, very little. What else do you plan to implement before starting the game?
[Alexander] We have little left in words, but in fact a serious work, which we hope to complete before September. The game needs to be included in special effects – now they are not in any form – and integrate the already recorded sounds. Then we plan to finish the interface – it will be more convenient.
Well, scenarios, of course: we thought out a fairly large campaign, crept out many cards, but still far away. The process is not easy: first we “draw” dialogs and send them for revision of the Australian writer, who writes texts as they will be in the English version. And only then everything is translated into Russian and other languages.
The writer, Joel Martin, found us himself – he is very interested in everything related to the Middle Ages. We decided to take it as a translator – many complaints came to the localization of “times of discord”. Unfortunately, he joined the work late – in the future we hope to find him more interesting.
[Gambling.ru] what about the network mode? In the "times of discord", many were missing him.
[Alexander] To be honest, we have never planned multiplayer, because it is quite difficult to make it in a plot strategy.
But I am watching the developers The Banner Saga. We love them, they love us, helped us a lot and continue to help. And I liked how the guys first implemented a combat model in a purely multiplayer game (speech about The Banner Saga: Factions. – approx. Ed.). I think if there are enough funds, we will also make a multiplayer – so many are asking about it.
The hardener is that in The Banner Saga first polished the combat system, and the plot component and quests were postponed by later. We do both at the same time. Moreover, until recently, only two programmers were engaged in all of us – and this, of course, is hardcore.
And we also have a continuous dispute in our office: Nikolai, despite the fact that he is the main programmer, plays worse than anyone else. If we held the party against each other, it would be obvious (laughs).
► The Banner Saga is another strategy with Kickstarter, which was inspired by Disciples.
[Gambling.ru] that is, the multiplayer regime is also seen as a way of resolving disputes in the team?
[Alexander] Not really, but such a joke goes. Although the guys created "times of discord", he played in them, probably, most of all. In general, I consider myself the biggest fan of the game – I could not wait for the continuation and began to look for money and resources to make it.
[Gambling.ru] multiplayer extends the life cycle of the game – take at least the third “heroes”, still playing them. But the example of The Elder Scrolls suggests another way … In general, as about modifications?
[Alexander] Yes, we plan to encourage the creation of modifications, because, for example, for the “times of discord” we released the script editor, and interest awakened in old players again. True, to make new cards, certain skills are required, and so far it turns out not really.
It seems that the editor of the Legend will be quite difficult – the community will already bring it to readiness. But post it almost immediately after the release.
From Minsk – to Kickstarter
[Gambling.ru] on one famous IT resource you wrote about your experience with Kickstarter. Tell our readers: why did you go to him? What were the main difficulties?
[Alexander] I'll be happy to tell. By the way, on that site I was eventually banned – they say, I “spur” an advertisement for my own products. But I have nothing more to write there anymore! (laughs). Moreover, it was not an advertisement, but a presentation of rather interesting things.
[Gambling.ru] do not ban this for this, so tell.
[Alexander] God bless!
Gathering to make a game, we planned the budget and time required for development-it turned out one and a half to two years. There was money at that time, so we started the work. But! Firstly, the prices for outsors rose, and secondly, we lingered.
A year and a half later, the money was over; Then I began to look for investors, attract my friends, took several loans – at the moment I even laid down the car – and we continued. But in the last March, these resources ended – and we did not even have a stable prototype of the game. I tried to talk with different publishers, but they demanded something in almost ready-made condition, to which it was still necessary to survive.
In addition, the publisher is a loss of control over the exit time and the format of the game. But we still wanted to release what you believe in, what the soul lies to.
► Broken Age-the same Kickstarter project Tim Shaifer.
And then I came across an article telling how Tim Shaifer raised funds on Kickstarter. I have many friends in America – that is, there were no problems with the technical side of the question.
I immediately realized that we, an unknown team, do not have to count on a “much money”. But, given the low cost of development in our area, this was a good alternative. An approximate video script was invented; Then we gathered and went to the Mirsky Castle, where it was removed. Then, preparing, they went out.
Of course, we made a lot of errors: we appeared on Saturday, which I do not recommend anyone, did not send out press releases at once, etc.D. But also made the right decisions a lot. The most important thing is that all the misses made there could get out when the game was released – which is much more unpleasant.
As a result, we still began to write about us, and we collected the right amount, which is very pleasing.
[Gambling.Ru] how the kikstarter audience affected the original concept of the game? There were some global changes that you decided thanks to them?
[Alexander] You know, there you strongly attacked our battle system. We defended her and defended many things. Say, even reporters did not like that the fighters could not move without striking. But we explained to them that this is the fundamental detail of the design and if you remove it, we will have to change everything.
Some proposals have come true: in particular, the blows in the back are now more damaged. Basically, communicating with the community, we realized what aspects of the game work well and which should be polished. Everyone likes the mechanics, the battles are interesting, but how to make management intuitive … This is one of the things that we are now working on now.
[Gambling.ru] You somehow contacted other developers with Kickstarter? Did you have your own "Society of Comradely Mutual Assistance"?
[Alexander] Well, there was no point in turning to Tim Batter-his strategy is unlikely to be suitable for indie. But the creators of The Banner Saga wrote about us in one of their updates, and as a result, many backers came to us – in one day we raised about $ 15,000. We are very grateful to them and we will still find a way to thank. More guys with Grim Dawn They gave us advice CasiGood Casino on how to talk with the press, advertised us to their backers. We talked with the team NEKRO, A little with Brian Fargo – He also talked about us on Twitter.
► NEKRO – a semi -parodic game in which we will play again for the universal evil.
We adopted this tradition and, having deceived people to the community, began to talk about other projects. We continue to communicate with some. For example, at the end of May a game will be released Expedition: Conquistador, which is made by Logic Artists – with them we wrote off both during the campaign and after it. We also talk interestingly and closely with the Black Forest Game, which released Gianna Sisters. Interestingly, they have a producer from Minsk – and our campaign inspired him to his own. Honestly, I did not expect such enthusiasm from them: “You wrote to us! This is true you?! You are our idols!"
It was very useful: it is very difficult for the developer to find and understand some points regarding business promotion. I received all the information that I have through personal contacts.
[Gambling.ru] You recently passed through Greenlight on Steam. Feel some difference compared to kickstarter’om?
[Alexander] GreenLight is actually an experiment: it is not even a year. Previously, the process of communication with Steam was quite frightening – there is a form on the site where you put information about the game and the actual link, and then send. Then, after some indefinite time, they will answer you.
It's great if it is “yes”, but very often it comes “no” without explanation. GreenLight at least makes it clear how your game is in demand. I went almost on a crusade for his defense. The system, of course, is imperfect – but this is a big step forward. For example, at Kickstarter, 56,000 people watched our video, and 114,000 people have already visited the Eisenwald page on Steam – a huge audience, which otherwise we would not have received.
Interesting questions are also asked here, and you have to think about answers, to defend your point of view. To prove that we are not a clone of the fifth "civilization".
[[Videoid_11077]] Riot – one of the games that have passed Greenlight with Eiseenwald.[[/Videoid_11077]]]
[Gambling.Ru] Suppose the script: all the games suddenly become indie, the publishers are no longer needed, everyone works on self -support or with crowdfunding. How, in your opinion, such a utopian picture is likely?
[Alexander] Unlikely, and I will explain why. Many teams will fall into the same situation as we: take money for the game, but will not be able to finish it.
The question is how they will do next. Some companies will eventually go to the publisher, which will cause objections in the community, as the example of Expections: Conquistador shows. They could not go to Steam via Greenlight and went there with the publisher of Bitcomposer. I consider this a normal, sane, but for some reason many are hostile to publishers-although in this case it will be more accurately called them distributors.
Much depends on how successful the big projects will be the fame of Kickstarter – it is by them that people will evaluate prospects. So far, such experience is extremely positive.