Metro 2033: Review

This article is not quite ordinary. On you have never seen such. I dared and decided to realize one idea here. See Audio Management window? Well done, click. And until the music begins, do not read further.

The cold winds of nuclear winter are blowing on the surface, in the dead for many years the hordes of monsters live in the city. The human world cringed to the size of the Moscow subway, but it also went to people only partly. For years, survivors have been hiding from the hostile world in tunnels and at stations. They exist in spite of radiation, bloodthirsty creatures, which are hourly trying to break through the cordons;spite of the war that destroyed civilization. Deadly irony – under a multi -meter thickness, in the only shelter it is sometimes worse and more dangerous than outside. Years without maintenance and repair, a series of technogenic disasters and other factors turned the once -famous and cozy tunnels into a maze of horror. In the alienation zone and then safer. Here is a careless step – death. Either you breathe gas, or you get into the acid-radioactive slurry, or in the hole of a carnivorous creature. They also say that ghosts live in the darkness. Other travelers say that they saw the light where everything has long gone out or broken, and more recently, conversations about some black ..

Dissolved in darkness

I think that you have already listened to the first track to this place. Turn on the next.

People since ancient times are afraid of darkness. Unknown means that any damn thing can occur abroad. There, in piercing blackness, all fears are insidiously awaiting their wings. They focused patiently, they are ready, they are waiting for a person with an imagination-key to their world. He suddenly doubts for a second that there really is nobody in the darkness – and the door swings wide over ..

Even at dawn of history, primitive people froze in horror at night in their caves, imagining that hundreds and thousands of bloodthirsty creatures gathered outside their shelters to enjoy their delicious organs. Many years have passed, we flew into space, sank to the bottom of the Mariana Slk, learned to transmit the Internet through the air, and now they put creams twice as much as the eclars than the test. In our technological age, a person, it would seem, maybe everything – including split the planet in half, if necessary. But! Plant anyone in the dark corridor, add a little incomprehensibility and unknown (for example, distant children’s crying from nowhere) … Be sure that it will cover it with a panic. I do not even raise the question of willpower and all this-they cope with this in different ways. Fact is a fear of unknown, when it is so close, everyone has. And we ourselves strengthen it, representing possible (and often generally impossible) situations. The source (game in our case) does not even need to convey emotions exactly – they are already in every. It is only necessary to give a more or less natural unknown ..

Our life in the skin of the hero begins sharply, jerk. An incomprehensible world is drawn to research. Twilight of the room. Lanter and oil lamp even do not give enough light together. Two circles pull out of the paws of darkness God forbid the fifth part of the room. In the corner of the old guitar, on the table a stack of worn books, and on the walls – photos. Cities, people, houses, streets … as a keepsake from the gloomy world. Everything is on memory here. Nothing to return.

There are enough minutes to understand – it is always noisy at the stations. No day or night. The station is defended from the monsters around the clock, dull, poor lighting is burning around the clock. Someone is sleeping, someone groans from wounds, someone slowly dies of hunger. Someone is swarming in the dark, and someone there he gave up a spirit. Nobody will know about him, darkness skillfully hides everything. Desperate mothers hold crying children. Concrete labyrinths countless times reflect these messages of longing and sadness. They come to every resident … and everyone understands that there is no way out.


If there was enough music for a long time, then turn it off, the queue of the next track.

People are social creatures. The community (not a herd) is so in our blood that the call to communication and joint for centuries has been walking along the planet for centuries. Mostly in creativity. A person is afraid to be left alone. No need to explain, I think that in the face of danger I want at least a hint of cover, a helping hand, even if not good, but the word. Mix all this with the previous chapter. Thoroughly.

Darkness. Vast, but meanwhile closed space. It is also familiar at the same time, familiar, and is fundamentally different from everything that we know. Well, which of us is afraid of the metro tunnel? But it is worth completing the picture a little – create a story – and everything changes. Ray of light cuts darkness. Somewhere in the distance we hear rustles, from somewhere in the clatter small pebbles fall, in the distance something creaks. Over and over again. Over and over again. We know that there are no people here. Fingers squeeze the machine pulled by a rust, the tension is such that the knuckles have already turned white. Hands tremble a little, there is no danger yet, but an excited imagination draws colorful paintings. The corpses of people and even monsters found along the way do not add optimism. Here is a metal platform broken into the abyss. On it, the traces of blood leading just down … Often in sides and fences you can find bones, torn heads or crimson puddles. Something here dealt with people with lightning speed, leaving an ominous red autograph. With fears, we look around every piece of the tunnel, every square centimeter, examine everything – when you do not know what to wait, it is better to be prepared for everything ..

Suddenly a roar is heard. Animal aggression, anxious warning. The sound increases, the stomp is approaching. The creature attacks from behind, the mind is compressed with fear, because there is no eye on the back of the head, and an unknown danger can do anything or do anything … A sharp maneuver, a mutant falls into a circle of light, several outbursts, the roar of the queue diverges with waves. Victory! But what? You won’t kill the darkness, and you still have to turn your back to her ..

The connection of the book and games can be traced very easily. Fans and readers are few, and there are many players. It is not surprising that inside there was a place for advertising. Everywhere, resolutely everywhere there are posters with the inscriptions “” Metro 2033 “, the new book – every month”. And also information – the site where to buy. On the tables, in libraries, on the shelves you can find the edition itself. And in excellent condition. This stupid farce often just kills the whole mood. You got ready, plunged, and then such a piece of impudent dope … is unpleasant.

The most joyful event is to find someone living. Let the ally use it in battle, but you will give life for him and. In traveling around the subway, they will help us more than once. Surprisingly, the inferiority of the protagonist does not prevent the satellites from having, though not deep, but convincing characters. Grinding Bandyugan named Burbon – an experienced tunnels, strong, hardy, cruel. The good nature is hidden behind his prickly appearance. It’s not scary to turn to him even with his back – he will definitely cover. The journey together, although Bourbon constantly repeats about dangers, turns into a fascinating campaign. For example, how to get into a construction site with friends. Not afraid, but interesting. And everyone can call each other in case. So here. A little boy whom we will not even see on the screen helps. Let it be artificial, but the voice disperses darkness and loneliness.

… But we will still often remain face to face with the decaying world. A simple transition on the surface with a partner turns into a horror festival – the bridge fell apart, friends stayed on different shores. We are looking for a passage.

Forgotten world

At the top the atmosphere is already different. Yes, there is also tension, nerves are pulled into a string, you expect injections from everywhere, but it is light! The dense clouds of the nuclear winter do not hide the sun to the end, although even in the brightest moments the whole world gloomily shimmers with all the shades of gray. The dead city scares in its own way. You look at the ruins, gaping holes in the ground, at the abandoned and long -rotten cars, on the usual offices and dedicated shop signs. Over the years, everything has changed – dilapidated, covered with a thin film of secrets.

Recognizable world – clever trick. If you do everything right, then interest is guaranteed – the player will seek parallels with our time. He will pretend and imagine what happened here. Why in the middle of the wide avenue a huge crack lay, why in the sky ugly toothy creatures wave their leathery wings, why in a house nearby, like a sculpture, a failed stalker froze … And why the fire in the hearth next to him still burns? Secrets, secrets, secrets – thousands of questions. The rusted, crumbling, but creaking with swings in the wind, causes so many emotions and curiosity that back to tunnels is scary. There can also be a boss there so much!


I’m sure you remember Stalker. Terribly atmospheric game, especially the first part. Especially if you approach the process with a soul. Especially if you are 12-13 years old. It’s funny, yes, but everyone knows how popular the “stalker” (was). Part of this glory was provided by the “poltergate” component. The fact is that the imagination, although it admits that in the darkness something can happen beyond the framework, but the mind stops these things instantly, driving the final picture into the framework of reality. Another thing is when all incomprehensibility and oddities Located. Remember, maybe the laboratories with Litera “X” full of anomalies and mutants? Or the first meeting with the poltergeist, when for some reason the boxes and barrels began to take off and painfully beat the kidneys and liver?

IN “Metro 2033” There are also similar entities. Simple mutants are boring. No one is afraid of a pseudo -beam or blind dogs. But bureers or controllers scare. Why? Mainly due to the same unknown – who they are, why do they all they can? And here we walk along the damned tunnel, in our hand a weak flashlight, the silence is absolute, corpses, bones, scattered equipment, blood, sleeve … Suddenly a shadow stretches on the floor – as if a child stood up in front of the lantern. We hear a voice, he calls his mother, but In fact, there is no one here! With such a simple action (and technically, by the way, too), the game allows imaginary fears to take unimaginable forms. Loneliness and any devilry who Maybe to happen is a sufficient occasion so as not to turn off the light.

Not romance

The last piece. Poking on health. Only reduce the sound so that it does not interfere with reading.

As wrote on one site about “Metro 2033”, “There is Stals in this game”. It’s like saying about music that there are sounds in it. Talking about weapons, missions, tasks and graphics in these dungeons is little use, it just does not need. Not for the sake of these little things, we go to virtual worlds. Are you really in the zone you represented yourself with a stalker at least for a moment, you thought that the texture is lacking in the wagons of the agronoprom plant, and there are too few pistols? I will not believe.

Spit on trifles – we have a role. We take under the control of the silent Artyom, who does not make decisions (a linear militant), does not have conversations and the moral choice is one only (in the final scene divides the game into two ends). The plot is a stupid, from a literary point of view, almost mediocre, but also damn it, but there is a world. Around in detail, to the smallest detail, to the last dust, the worked out environment – it already creates an emotion. “Metro 2033” Makes survive Traveling along hostile tunnels, cold surface, damned stations … ten minutes – and you already feel what is happening on yourself. And the feeling is so acute that I want freedom and my own decisions. I want to influence the world, I want to explore it without restrictions on levels, chapters and tasks. But somehow the story of the development of the Stalker pops up by itself. The second time this is not necessary for anyone. Better a corridor shooter than years of “breakfast”.

I hope I managed to convey that very mood at least a little. And if you decide to play (or repeat), then approach the process seriously. This is not entertainment, but a new life experience. No matter how pathetic and stupid it sounds. I practically beg you – don’t spoil your impression. Try to concentrate. Wait for the night, turn off the whole world, expel relatives, friends and fence off from everything else. Disconnect from ours Mira. And only after that start passing. What do you think, how much time will you need to notice that the darkness around is very naturally continues blackness along the edges of the screen.

Pros: atmospheric;setting;fear;darkness;a feeling of loneliness;emotionality;Secrets.
Cons: I want freedom, as in Stalker;The plot has no artistic value, the character of the protagonist is not disclosed, but is not formed;Inappropriate advertising spoils the atmosphere.

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